ADA supports FSANZ move to consider fluoride in bottled water

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The Australian Dental Association (ADA) supports a report releasedy for public comment by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) that proposes amending the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code to allow manufacturers to voluntarily add fluoride to bottled water.

The ADA commends FSANZ on its consultation process on this issue thus far. Dental experts and research bodies have been widely consulted. FSANZ has concluded that there are no public health and safety concerns. The ADA fully supports the proposed course of responsible action to be taken.

“Clear solid scientific evidence exists that water fluoridation has proven to be an efficient, effective and an equitable public health measure for reducing the prevalence of dental decay in all age groups. Given the use of fluorides in dentistry is one of the most important ways of preventing dental caries, the ADA supports water fluoridation”, said Dr John Matthews, Federal President of the ADA.

Other highly reputable and respected international and Australian health, research and
education organisations which support water fluoridation include the World Health Organization, the International Association for Dental Research, the US-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), British National Health Service, the National Health and Medical Research Council, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, the Public Health Association of Australia and the Australian Medical Association.

Dr Matthews said, “There are currently two distinct consumer groups to be considered - those with access to fluoridated tap water and those with no access to fluoridated tap water. At present consumers who do not have access to fluoridated tap water do not have a choice to consume fluoridated water. Fluoridated bottled water would give choice to those consumers.”

In order to reduce dental decay the ADA supports bottled water being fluoridated. Oral health is fundamental to overall health, well being and quality of life.

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